BG Net-Zero

Experts in carbon energy reduction

BG Net-Zero specialises in energy management and carbon reduction, supporting organisations on their journey to net-zero

We know how challenging reaching the government’s latest Net-Zero target can be, so talk to us, as BG Net-Zero have the expertise to get you there

BG Net-Zero explained…

We’ve all heard the term net-zero, but what exactly does it mean? Put simply, net-zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach net-zero when the amount we add is no more than the amount taken away. But how can we achieve this and why does it matter?

From countries and companies to individuals, tackling climate change is at the top of the agenda. The UK became the world’s first major economy to set a target of being net-zero by 2050. We have less than 30 years to make it a reality.

For commercial real estate this means shifting to all electric energy, powered by clean energy sources, and reducing energy usage and waste via monitor – manage – maintain plans.

For more information / enquiries, contact BGES Group

Our five point plan will
help you deliver your Net-Zero targets

Net-Zero Ambition


Engagement &


Deployment & Data Capture


Management & Reporting




Did you know that HM Government published their energy white paper on the 14th December 2020 along with its vision on a green industrial revolution, and it had one clear message: The future is Net-Zero